The Ultimate Guide to Incorporating Collagen into Your Skincare Routine

The Ultimate Guide to Incorporating Collagen into Your Skincare Routine

I have always seen collagen as my skin’s closest ally in maintaining a youthful charm. As you all know, and it is important to note that this applies to both men and women, your collagen production plays a crucial role in maintaining skin elasticity, hydration, healthy hair, and warding off those annoying signs of ageing. From personal experience, as I have started to age, my body’s collagen production has taken a nosedive. However, by incorporating collagen into my routine, I have found and seen many benefits of collagen for skin and hair, providing me with that much-needed firmness and elasticity in my skin and healthier, more vibrant looking hair. I am going to share my routine on how to use collagen more effectively into daily life, which, I like to think, has helped keep my skin and hair looking youthful and healthy.

Revealing My Collagen Skincare Routine: A Step-by-Step Guide

1. Start with a Clean Slate:

Think of your skin as a blank canvas, just waiting for a masterpiece. Before diving into my collagen routine, I give my skin a fresh start with a thorough cleanse. This step wipes away dirt and impurities, setting up the perfect base for my collagen products to work their magic. Removing dirt and impurities is essential because it ensures your skin is clean and ready to absorb all the beneficial ingredients from your skincare products more effectively so you can see the most optimal benefits of collagen for skin. If your skin is covered in dirt or excess oil, it is like trying to paint a masterpiece on a dusty canvas…not really ideal! So, a proper cleanse clears away these barriers, allowing your collagen products, or any skincare treatments, to penetrate effectively and do their job.

2. Use a Collagen Serum:

I have found that applying a collagen serum to my face and neck feels like a dose of skincare wizardry. Serums are packed with concentrated ingredients that deliver targeted benefits exactly where I want and need them. When living in London, where pollution can be as prevalent as the rain, my skin often felt like it was constantly battling grime and exhaust fumes. I discovered that incorporating a high-quality serum into my collagen skincare routine was a game-changer. It is a bit like giving my skin that VIP treatment through much-needed boost in tackling issues like dullness and dehydration.

3. Moisturise:

I finish my skincare routine with a collagen-rich moisturiser. This step is crucial for locking in hydration and amplifying the effects of my serum, helping my skin stay supple and smooth. Keeping my skin well-moisturised supports elasticity and hydration, ensuring my skin barrier remains strong and healthy. After a good cleanse, a quality serum, and this final moisturising touch, my collagen skincare routine wraps up nicely to tackle the day. Do not worry, it is not a long complex process. It is actually quicker than making a decent cup of morning tea (strong, not milky weak tea, before I offend my tea aficionados out there!).

4. Sun (UV) Protection:

I have always found sunscreen containing SPF is absolutely essential. Exposure to UV rays break down those collagen fibres, leading to premature aging. From my experience, daily sun protection is key for preserving your collagen levels and keeping your skin looking youthful. Think of it as your skin’s best defence against the sun - even in the UK, where our weather might be more about dodging puddles than sunbathing, those sneaky UV rays can still find a way. Believe me, even I have been caught out with a golfer’s tan when playing on a perfectly regular cloudy day!

5. Collagen Supplements:

I have personally found that collagen supplements are a genuine breakthrough for boosting my body’s natural collagen production and supporting my skin’s health from the inside out. Incorporating high-quality collagen supplements has been like adding a secret weapon to my collagen skincare routine. It is a fantastic way to complement the topical products I use and really took my overall skincare to the next level. I found collagen supplements to be effective because they support your body’s natural collagen production from the inside out, targeting the deeper layers of your skin where it counts. Unlike topical products, which concern the outer layers, these supplements are designed for optimal absorption and provide comprehensive benefits, including improved skin elasticity and hydration. Using both supplements and topical products together gave my collagen skincare routine a powerful boost, addressing skin health from multiple angles and ensuring more noticeable and long-lasting improvements.

It can be quite overwhelming when you are on the hunt for the best collagen supplements due to the array of products in the market. This is why we started Thank Collagen; an attempt to pack what we believed were the best ingredients to optimise your skin, hair, nails and overall wellbeing into one sachet. Here are a few top tips to consider when reviewing the benefits of collagen and ways to boost collagen production.

Top Tip 1: Hydrolysed Collagen

Keep an eye out for products containing hydrolysed collagen. This form of collagen includes a complete amino acid sequence known as a collagen peptides. The process on how collagen becomes hydrolysed is known as ‘Hydrolysis’. Hydrolysed is essentially a procedure where collagen has been broken down into smaller parts, often in the form of a powder. Powders are important because collagen is constructed within the dermis. This means that products such as facial creams or serums, which penetrate the outer layer or epidermis, are unable to target the deeper levels of our skin. If you want to experience the true benefits of collagen, then I would consider products that contain hydrolysed powder, which means the molecular size of a collagen peptide has now become small enough to be easily absorbed and transported by the body to where it needs it most!

Top Tip 2: Fish Collagen (often known as Marine Collagen)

Marine collagen is extracted from fish and is seen to be up to 1.5x more effective in absorption rates than bovine collagen (i.e., cows or porcine), offering superior bioavailability. So, when you embark upon your quest around collagen supplements for the skin, I would consider searching for products containing marine collagen as I consider them to be the more high-quality collagen supplements.

Top Tip 3: Collagen Sachets vs Collagen Tablets

You’ll tend to find that the maximum collagen potency in a good quality collagen tablet is around 500mg. Now to give you context, you’ll have to consume 20 collagen tablets to reach the equivalent of just one of our collagen sachets. Need I say more… (plus each Thank Collagen sachet is additionally packed with what we felt are the best vitamins to assist with collagen synthesis).

Top Tip 4: Essential Vitamins

I believe the best collagen products contain more than absolute collagen and find that some of the best skincare products for collagen have a range of essential vitamins to assist in the collagen synthesis. For example, before Thank Collagen, I looked for collagen products containing Vitamin C. Vitamins C has antioxidant properties that assist in regulating the synthesis of collagen. When looking for ways to boost collagen and hair growth, I also look for products (such as Thank Collagen, subtle hint…) that contain Biotin. This essential vitamin is a key player in maintaining healthy skin and hair through supporting the production of keratin, a protein which forms the outer layer of skin, hair, and nails, and has been seen to contribute to hair resilience and repair.

Couple of Extra Tips I Consider for Maximising Collagen Benefits

Stay Hydrated:

Those who know me joke that they always see me with a bottle of water in my hand! I always make sure to drink water and stay hydrated throughout my day as this has been key for healthier looking skin (sorry, fizzy drinks do not count…). Staying well-hydrated improves my skin’s ability to support the collagen network, helping maintain a firm and smooth appearance. Proper hydration ensures that essential nutrients are delivered efficiently to skin cells, flushes out toxins, and helps keep moisture levels balanced.

Balanced Diet:

I am not one to turn down a good meal – trust me I am a huge foodie! But I have learnt that sticking to a well-balanced diet has become essential for keeping my skin in top shape. What you eat has a major impact on supporting collagen production. For example, foods rich in vitamin C, like oranges and strawberries, are crucial for synthesising collagen. If you are interested in finding out more, I have written another article on our blog about my favourite collagen-boosting foods! As much as a love a good cheat meal, going overboard on fast food and sugary treats can have huge impacts on your skin…just not in a good way, unfortunately. Excess sugar can lead to a process called glycation, where sugar molecules hitch a ride on your collagen, turning it into a less flexible, more rigid version of itself. Think of it as swapping your skin's smooth, flexible athletic wear for a pair of stiff old overalls. So, whilst that next chocolate bar might hit the sweet spot (no pun intended), it might not be the best collagen-friendly choice.

By incorporating these tips on how to use collagen more effectively, I have found them all to elevate my skincare routine, keeping my skin and hair looking healthy, vibrant, and youthful. Whether you are aiming for a polished appearance or simply want to maintain healthy skin and hair, these are my practices designed to help maintain my skin's natural radiance and resilience. Hope it helps!


Our aim is to provide helpful and informative content, not to advertise specific products or make medical claims. While the benefits of these foods can be part of a healthy lifestyle, it is important to remember that individual results may vary. A balanced diet, combined with professional medical advice, is essential for overall well-being. This article should not be considered a substitute for professional healthcare recommendations. For personalised advice or if you have specific medical conditions, we encourage you to consult with a qualified healthcare provider. Your health and safety are our top priorities, and a healthcare professional can offer guidance tailored to your individual needs. Enjoy incorporating these nutritious foods into your diet, and always seek expert advice for any medical concerns.

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